Courtney Lewis Wellness

Licensed Massage Therapist & Registered Yoga Teacher

eMbodied Membership

You know, many of us lead very busy lives. We have so many people counting on us- our family, our friends, our community... that making time for ourselves can sometimes seem impossible.

And, we often overcomplicate things by thinking we need to set aside an hour or so each day to do that. When in reality, we can keep it simple.

Small pockets of movement, mindfulness & mindset practices can add up to create a huge impact on how we feel physically, mentally and emotionally.

That's why in this monthly membership I'll be sharing mini online practices you can do from anywhere, at any time.

These grounded practices are intended to nourish and support you as you pour into the people and causes that matter most. 


Click here to learn more & see if eMbodied Membership is a good fit for you!